InHaus: HearthandHome tickets now on sale

InHaus returns to its mother-ship metropolis, Norwich, for a hearth-warming winter edition of domestic mayhem, noise, film and song, with you in the middle of it and wonderfully in the way. The audience sit or stand in and around the band, the musicians literally a heartbeat away, as all hell breaks loose in an enhanced domestic setting. Full-on loud and pin-drop quiet. A welcome-to-our-world, mind-the-step, hold-my-guitar-for-me kind of approach, blending sound, song, humour, image, pathos, theatre, movement and silence. “A dark, clanking wonderland… KlangHaus isn’t a concert – it’s a little world” Time Out

After 67 InHaus shows in Edinburgh we want to share our joy, our learning, our stories, our work.

The reviewers said:

“Klanghaus are undeniably cool… their signature style…is at once intimate, immediate, and immersive… Klanghaus’s artistic approach is one of radical generosity****The Scotsman

“Highly personal, innovative and experimental..” The Guardian ****

The audience said:

Been before? Will it be different?
Yes, we have an insatiable appetite to keep building on our ideas and trying new things, we have a whole list of things we want to try out with you.
12+ welcome, all under 18s to be accompanied by an adult please as we are serving alcohol, ’tis the lawingtons.

A glass of delicious hot spiced rum or hot spiced apple juice is back and is included in your ticket price.

If yer wanna come but can’t afford it email for two free places available for each show.

ACCESS: The venue is a 1700s house, it is not obviously wheelchair accessible, but we are in the process of purchasing a wheelchair ramp. Get in touch, you know what you need, tell us, if it’s impossible to navigate getting in, we’ll probably just come and sing round at yours.  We provide ear defenders for all attending, they are pretty wonderful; if you find loud noise challenging or painful, we have had many a happy face wearing these ear-defenders, liberated by feeling the noise through their skin rather than ear drums. Sensory map available for those that need to know everything, visits possible. You know what you need better than anyone else, get in touch: (07985558769 – you can text or call)

Can’t make this event but want to keep in touch sign up to the mailing list here.

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